A, An, or Nothing Quiz

A, An, or NothingLearning when and how to use articles can be confusing for ESL students, particularly when it comes to those dreaded “H” and “U” words…an hour, a horse, a house, an umbrella, a unicorn, etc.

Sometimes we use a, sometimes we use an, but other times we use nothing at all…oy vey!

To practice those tricky little articles, take this QUIZ to help you perfect these small, yet important grammatical rules.

Simple Present Verbs

Simple present verb exercises.Simple present verbs are used to express actions that are happening now and will continue to happen in the future. This can include…

Regular habits: I play soccer.

General facts: Dogs can bark.

Events in the near future: When does class start?

Learn more about simple present verb tenses HERE. You can also practice with these exercises:

Simple Present & Present Continuous Exercise 1

Simple Present & Present Continuous Exercise 2

Simple Present & Simple Future Exercise 21

Simple Present & Simple Future Exercise 22

Simple Present/Future & Present/Future Continuous Exercise 24

Using Reflexive Pronouns

Reflexive pronouns (myself, yourself, ourselves) are used when the subject and object are the same and when you want to emphasize the subject.  For instance, instead of saying “I hurt me,” you would use the reflexive and say “I hurt myself” because the subject and object are the same.  In order to give extra emphasis to who is doing what, you might say “I’ll do it myself” rather than just saying “I’ll do it” because you want to point out that you are the one doing it all by yourself.



